Revolutionize Your Trading + Yield with PerfectSwap

The world’s most innovative DEX suite on Arbitrum

Shaping the future of decentralized trading

Total value locked
All-time trading volume
Assets to trade:
Trading, the way it
should be

PerfectSwap is an autonomous decentralized exchange that focuses on optimizing the acquisition of healthy Total Value Locked (TVL) in a capital-efficient manner. Healthy TVL refers to capital that is actively traded in high volumes, resulting in a continuous revenue stream from trading fees.

Efficient Gas Management
PerfectSwap boasts remarkable gas savings, reducing transaction costs by up to 50% for swaps and an impressive 60% for mints/burns compared to Uniswap V3. This efficiency ensures cost-effective and user-friendly trading and liquidity provision.
“Just-in-time” Liquidity Defense
In an effort to combat Miner Extractable Value (MEV) attacks, PerfectSwap provides comprehensive Just-In-Time (JIT) liquidity protection for liquidity providers. This protection safeguards them from adverse MEV-related actions, creating a secure environment for their assets.
Impermament Loss Defense
PerfectSwap implements an innovative approach to protect against impermanent loss. Dynamic fees are triggered during extreme market volatility events, ensuring that liquidity providers are adequately compensated for their commitment during turbulent periods.
Revamped Liquidity Incentives
PerfectSwap introduces a redesigned incentive mechanism to encourage and deepen liquidity provision. This approach ensures that liquidity providers are rewarded fairly for their contributions to the platform, fostering a more robust and sustainable liquidity ecosystem.
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Built on Arbitrum
PerfectSwap is a culmination of many things but most importantly, low fees, fast transactions and a ve(3,3) incentive model. Where does all of that come from though? PerfectSwap is based off of Solidly V2. Solidly V2 is the fundamental bases for ve(3,3), a DEX that finally introduced an incentive model that made sense and created robust liquidity.
Secured by top auditors
$PRFCT at the top of experience
The primary function of the PRFCT ERC-20 token revolves around incentivizing liquidity providers on the PerfectSwap platform. These PRFCT tokens, initially supplied by liquidity providers, can subsequently be acquired and converted into financial NFTs known as veNFTs (ERC-721).
vePRFCT holders can earn a share of 20% of the trading fees generated by the PerfectSwap protocol.
vePRFCT holders have the privilege to vote on which pools to incentivize with PRFCT emissions each week, receiving immediate payouts in return ("cash for vote").
Another advantage of vePRFCT ownership is the ability to enhance rewards for provided liquidity. Locking PRFCT tokens in a vote allows users to earn a boost of up to 2.5x on the liquidity they provide on PerfectSwap.
In addition to the above benefits, vePRFCT holders have a say in shaping the future of the PerfectSwap platform. This includes decisions related to technical pool parameters, operators, and governance.
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